
Resource name:

IMO – LC 44-11 – Legal advice on the application of the London Protocol (Secretariat)

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5 Aug 2022

At their joint session in 2021, the governing bodies considered three submissions with respect to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, documents LC 43/11 (Greenpeace International), LC 43/11/1 (Republic of Korea) and LC 43/11/2 (Japan).
Following extensive discussion, the governing bodies requested the Secretariat to provide, inter alia, legal advice on the issue of the scope of LC/LP, in particular in relation to discharges from land-based facilities, to the next meeting of the governing bodies in 2022, while also noting the objection by Japan to the proposal to seek legal advice as requested, as well as the objection by the Republic of Korea, which had stated that the legal advice should focus specifically on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (LC 43/17, paragraphs 11.3 to 11.5).
