


28 January 2022

Due to the ongoing Global Covid-19 Pandemic, we have decided to postpone the PATRAM 22 Symposium, due to be held in Nice on the 28th August – 1st September 2022, until the early Summer of 2023.

We have not made this decision lightly but we think it’s important to give the whole PATRAM community a chance to attend a successful, in-person event.

The decision to postpone the symposium was unanimously approved by both the WNTI Board and the PATRAM Executive Committee. Having taking regard of the event intent captured in the adopted slogan ‘Bringing Transport Together’ the following criteria has been agreed as essential requirements for the rescheduling:

  • The planning assumption for PATRAM must continue to be for a wholly onsite (face-to-face) symposium.


  • Organisation of the event must deploy best endeavours to ensure that all key stakeholder nations/regions can attend the event in-person in keeping with the ‘global event’ intent of all PATRAM Symposia.


  • Overall, WNTI funds, consisting of member subscription contributions, should not be committed to a potentially cancelled or limited event as WNTI would absolutely prefer to invest in a global event at a later date.

New dates and venue details will follow as soon as they are confirmed with our partner organisations.


I have already submitted an Abstract for P22, do I have to do it again?

If you have already submitted an abstract, or are in process of doing so, it is still valid. We will be extending our submission deadline when the new timeline is confirmed.

You will also be able to amend submitted Abstracts right up until the new submission deadline date.

So, if you haven’t submitted an Abstract yet, you now have more time!

When can I register to exhibit or sponsor at P22?

When we finalise the new dates and location of PATRAM 22 (in 2023) we will send out an update with the new timeline that will include when the exhibitor and sponsorship application opens. So, watch this space!

When can I register for P22?

When the revised timeline is finalised, we will update you on when registration will open.

Will the location and venue be the same?

Unfortunately, our original venue, the Nice Acropolis, is due to close at the end of 2022. So, the P22 team is working hard to find a new venue. We will let you know as soon as this is confirmed!

Will it become PATRAM 2023?

No, to keep it simple we will keep the event as PATRAM 22.

Will future PATRAM Symposiums dates be affected?

No, PATRAM 25 will still be in 2025.

I was really looking forward to attending P22 this year, what if I can’t attend the new dates?

We are working with our partners to secure new dates that don’t conflict with other industry events and will make this announcement. We really hope to see you there!


Please contact Emily Midgley

Emily Midgley

Marketing and Communications Manager
