
North American Member News November 2021


Member News


21 December 2021


Eileen Supko

Interactions with U.S. Competent Authority Regarding Upcoming SSR-6 Review Cycle

In November, WNTI’s North America Representative, Eileen Supko, reached out to Rick Boyle, U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Competent Authority (CA) regarding the upcoming SSR-6 Review Cycle.

DPT is expected to issue a notice in the U.S. Federal Register regarding the process for submitting regulatory change proposals to the U.S. CA.  However, Mr. Boyle kindly responded to the request and provided the following information regarding the U.S. CA’s schedule for submittal of proposals.

Proposal Submission Schedule:

  • IAEA issued a note verbal (official call for papers) on November 8, 2021 and requested proposals be submitted by March 18, 2022.
  • DOT must submit US proposals US Mission at the IAEA by March 11, 2022
  • Interested parties in the US must submit proposals to DOT February 25, 2022.


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