
North American Member News May 2022


Member News


14 June 2022


Eileen Supko

NRC Suspends General Licenses to Export Radioactive Material and Deuterium to Russia

In the May 17 Federal Register, the NRC published an order suspending the general license authority under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations to export special nuclear material, source material, by-product material, and deuterium for nuclear end uses to the Russian Federation.

The White House issued a fact sheet on May 8, indicating that the NRC would be suspending general licenses to export such materials. The NRC order indicates that any person wishing to export such materials to the Russian Federation must apply for a specific license in accordance with 10 CFR 110.31.

There has not been a change to the process for application and approval of specific licenses for the export of these materials.  For example, uranium hexafluoride feed material that is returned from the U.S. to the Russian Federation would be exported under a specific license and these activities are continuing.

Federal Register notice

White House fact sheet

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