
North American Member News August 2023


31 August 2023


Eileen Supko

Fuel Load Begins at Vogtle Unit 4

In mid- August, Georgia Power announced that loading of nuclear fuel into the Vogtle Unit 4 reactor core started. This is the key step in the startup and eventual commercial operation of the plant.  Vogtle Unit 3 entered commercial operation on July 31. 

Following fuel load, plant operator, Southern Nuclear, will begin startup testing in order to demonstrate the integrated operation of the primary coolant system and steam supply system at design temperature and pressure with fuel inside the reactor. This will be followed by bringing the plant from cold shutdown to initial criticality, and synchronizing Vogtle 4 with the electric grid as power increases to 100%. Vogtle Unit 4 is projected to be placed in service during late fourth quarter 2023 or the first quarter 2024.

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