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Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals – Improving the world’s understanding of nuclear power

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21 Dec 2021

This year saw the New Nuclear Watch Institute launch the ‘Yes to Nuclear’ joint initiative, back by World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI), Nuclear-21, Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA).

The aim was to explore how nuclear science and technology can help mankind to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by the target date of 2030. These SDGs were set by the UN General Assembly in 2015, the same year that COP21 led to the signing of the Paris Climate Accord.

Throughout 2021, the ‘Yes to Nuclear’ monthly publications have examined the various ways in which nuclear power can support the various UN SDGs.

‘2021 Yes to Nuclear Perspectives – Improving the world’s understanding of nuclear power’ introduces the various Yes to Nuclear partners, and is followed by the suit of monthly publications. These include looking at the specific SDG’s, as well as industry and country perspectives. Other organisations are also invited to give their viewpoint on individual topics.
