
IAEA – Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle

Date & Time:

17th - 19th Jul, 2018


Austria, Vienna

IAEA Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle

The purpose of this meeting was to collect, share and discuss information on the current situation and processes and best practices for systematically identifying and evaluating potential impacts of decisions taken in one step on the Back End of the Fuel Cycle (BEFC).
In addition, this meeting deals with updating the IAEA TECDOC “Potential Interface Issues in Spent Fuel Management (IAEA-TECDOC-1774)” issued in 2015. This TECDOC consists of body texts and the reports from Member States mainly. It also includes WNTI’s report. Therefore, we discussed the outline and the country report contents of the new TECDOC.

This Technical Meeting was attended by Hirotaka Nojima, WNTI Specialist Advisor.

For further information contact

Hirotaka Nojima

WNTI EPR Working Group Chair

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