
IAEA – CM on preparation of the Draft TR on design safety and security for TNPP

Date & Time:

12th - 16th Dec, 2022



Consultancy Meeting on the Preparation of the Draft Technical Report on Design Safety and Security Considerations for Transportable Nuclear Power Plants

IAEA is planning to organize in Vienna on December 12-16, 2022 the Consultancy Meeting on New Publication on Design Safety and Security Considerations for Transportable Nuclear Power Plants (TNPPs).

The proposed agenda of the Consultancy meeting:

  1. Proposed publication structure (presentation of an approved DPP for the Technical Reports Series 1000+ “Design Safety and Security Considerations for Transportable Nuclear Power Plants” – the DPP is attached as a separate file)
  2. Order of work. Discussion
  3. Terms and definitions (preliminary list of terms and definitions – please see Appendix 1).
  4. Classification of TNPPs by design (the purpose of classification is to identify TNPP characteristics, different parameters of which require distinct approaches to ensuring safety or security during transportation or lead to differences in applicable regulation or in related challenges in nuclear safety and (or) security. Preliminary proposals for classification – please see Appendix 2).
  5. Classification by means of transport (The purpose of classification is to differentiate means of transports (both land and water/sea) that have differences in applicable regulation or in related challenges in nuclear safety and/or security). Preliminary proposals for classification – please see Appendix 3).
  6. Classification for mode of transport and involvement of jurisdictions classifications (The purpose of classification is to differentiate mode of transports as well as situations involving several jurisdictions under which different legal frameworks apply with different approach to nuclear safety and (or) nuclear security. Preliminary proposals for classification – please see Appendix 4).
  7. Nomenclature of categories of TNPP states (conditions) during relocation (non-accidental and accidental conditions) The purpose is to develop nomenclature of categories of TNPP states (conditions) during relocation (non-accidental and accidental conditions) to be accounted for in the design of TNPP and transportation mean. (Preliminary proposals for accounting TNPP – please see Appendix 5).
  8. Nomenclature of events and conditions which can impact safe transport of TNPP and shall be addressed in the design.  Approaches from transport safety and from nuclear installation safety documents (for internal and external initiators/hazards) should be considered as a reference (particularly for design assessment). Preliminary proposals on design safety approaches to TNPP in relocation.  The purpose is to propose rules on accounting events and conditions during relocation in design (Preliminary proposals – please see Appendix 7).
  9. Nomenclature on malicious acts to be accounted for. The purpose is to develop list of malicious acts to be accounted for transportation of TNPP. The preliminary list to be developed prior the Consultancy meeting (preliminary proposals please see Appendix 6).
  10. Open discussion on challenges and gaps in international and national frameworks for design safety and for security (including safety-security interface) relevant for transport of TNPPs – Presentation of participants and General discussion. Participants are encouraged to present their views.
  11. Further activities: Distribution responsibilities for TECDOC development, date, and topics of the next CM.


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