
Resource name:

Fact Sheet – The INF Code and Purpose-Built Vessels

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27 Sep 2021

The IMO Code for the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Flasks on Board Ships (INF Code), introduces advanced safety features for ships carrying spend fuel, MOX, or Vitrified High-Level Waste.

This WNTI Fact Sheet will help the reader understand the code. It contains explanations of the the various types of INF ship criteria, as well as the regulations governing the design and operation of these vessels.

INF Code vessels must comply with the SOLAS Convention and MARPOL Convention, and there are specific requirements regarding damage stability, fire protection, temperature control of cargo spaces, structural considerations, cargo securing arrangements, electrical supplies, radiological protection, management and training, shipboard emergency plans, and notification in the event of an incident involving INF cargo.

INF Code vessels are subject to regular inspections and surveys, as required by SOLAS 74, Chapter 1.
