We drive the highest standards of safety and security in the global transport of nuclear and radioactive materials.
We collaborate with industry experts to produce up to date resources that are free to download.
Each day thousands of shipments of radioactive materials are transported around the world.
Martin entered the UK nuclear industry, joining BNFL at Sellafield, in 1983 to take up a post in the emerging health science of Occupational Hygiene. Martin is a University of Manchester Occupational Health Post-Graduate and worked for 25 years in the field of Occupational Hygiene and Chemical Safety at Sellafield. In 2008 his work as a senior event investigator introduced him to radioactive material transport and a change of career ensued when Martin was appointed Head of Operations for nuclear transport at Sellafield Limited. In this position he was responsible for many fuel, high level waste and reprocessed product shipments around the globe. During his time at Sellafield he was a Board Member and Chair of the UK nuclear industry transport committee (RAMTUC), a Board Member of the UK radioactive transport emergency response mutual aid scheme (RADSAFE), Chair of the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) Back-End Working Group and a member of the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) Advisory Committee.
In April 2020 Martin took up his current role as Secretary General at the World Nuclear Transport Institute, based in London, UK. In his WNTI role, Martin is focussed on helping ensure that future nuclear missions are transport-enabled with the appropriate capability and fit-for-purpose international regulations.
Outside of work Martin is married with two daughters and lives in West Cumbria, UK. His hobbies include reading, travel, cookery, history, art, music and walking.