We drive the highest standards of safety and security in the global transport of nuclear and radioactive materials.
We collaborate with industry experts to produce up to date resources that are free to download.
Each day thousands of shipments of radioactive materials are transported around the world.
After some eighteen years of applying his Civil Engineering experiences, early in 1982 Frank entered into the world of radiation and radioactivity, by moving into mining in the very early days of Olympic Dam.
As the project developed Frank transitioned along with it, being involved in providing a range of project operational support involving feasibility aspects, construction, commissioning, stabilisation, optimisation to a fully operational status.
The initial early days of underground infrastructure development following the completion of the Whenan Shaft in November 1982 provided Frank with an excellent grounding, education and understanding of the broad range of issues and requirements associated with managing and working safely with radioactivity and radiation.
By November 1988 having overcome the problems and obstacles involved in the development of Olympic Dam the next challenge was to address the transport of the four finished products, (Copper, Uranium, Gold and Silver). The challenge here was the transportation of the Uranium one that kept Frank in his role as Marketing Logistics Manager clearly focused on developing and maintaining the ongoing operational functionality of sustainable options (road, rail and sea) relating to the transportation of (UOC).
During this period Frank became actively involved with the WNTI making significant contributions to the development of numerous informative publications, aimed at addressing community, worker, environmental and health and safety concerns as well as helping guide and drive the development of a range of information papers, fact sheets and industry good practice and compliance guides.
During the period 2005 to 2012 Frank chaired the Australian (federal government) supported Uranium Industry Framework transport working group ultimately promoting initiatives including product stewardship and anti-trust. Frank was the industry representative on the Australian Competent Authority transport working group between 2003 and 2012.
After semi-retirement in December 2012, Frank set up a part-time consultancy focused on providing support to existing and potential local and overseas producers and shippers of radioactive material including rare earths and has been actively involved in the creation and participation in practical orientated training and workshops in a number of overseas locations. Married to Helen for coming up fifty years, they have three sons, eight grand-children. Frank enjoys many types of music, traveling, meeting people and maintaining contact with old work and school colleagues.